Mr. John Henry Blake: In Sickness And In Hard Times #52Ancestors In Week 24

I first heard of John Blake from one of my cousin, Mrs. Willie Margret (White) Winfrey. We were corresponding with one another during the mid 1980’s and some in the early 1990’s. She shared with me what she heard about John Blake.

Cousin Willie said that her brother, Rev. Thomas White told her that their Uncle “Josh” White had a son named John Blake. John’s actual surname was White but, he carried the Blake surname. Joshua “Josh” White died and a large family with the surname Blake raised John.

It was a challenge to locate information on John Blake. However, I believe that I did locate the Blake family that fits the description that my cousin Willie shared with me.. As I read the following article, I believe I came across it by a divine appointment.. And as I re read the article, I began to see who was who. The names had been with me for a while as I’ve been searching for John Blake.

The article was publish on page 9 of The Call Kansas City, Missouri on Friday, October 14, 1932. It was in the Salisbury, Missouri section of the newspaper. The person who wrote it is unknown.

Here are some clarification in the article. John BLAKE was his name. He was found unconscious near the station on September 26, 1932 and was reported doing better. He was carried to his sister Mrs. Nellie (BLAKE) BLACK. Then he was moved to his step father Louis Blake’s home near Forest Green, Missouri. It’s not clear if John was moved on Wednesday, September 28, 1932 or Wednesday, October 12, 1932.

More clarification from the article the names ~ Mrs. Elnora (Blake) Cooper, Mrs. Margaret “Maggie” (Blake) Valentine were the sisters of John Blake and Nellie Black.

The sisters were called to his (John’s) bedside on Monday, October 3, 1932. and Mrs. Elnora Cooper remained for a week. The other caller on Monday was Miss Cora Mae Blake who was the daughter of John Blake.

How sick was John?
I came across another article in the same paper dated on Friday, October 14, 1932 on page 14. It stated that John Blake met with an accident two weeks ago and received injuries about his head and arms.” He had a head and arms injuries that left him not able to care from himself.

NOTE: Information about John’s step father Louis Blake. I haven’t located his obituary. Louis’s death was noted in the newspaper. And. two months later on Saturday, December 31, 1932; after a few days of the flu,. Louis Blake passed. I’m assuming that John Blake was still living with Louis at this time.

I couldn’t find more information about John Blake until I came across his obituary in the paper dated March 9, 1934. He passed on Saturday, February 24, 1934. I’m assuming near Forest Green, Missouri.

John had a sickness that his friends didn’t know about. His death shock to the communities of Armstrong, Missouri and Glasgow, Missouri areas. John was well known to the cities.

John’s death wasn’t recorded in the Missouri death records. From an articles and a record that I have seen on John, his full name was John Henry Blake. He was 53 years old when he passed due to phenomena. John was born on Wednesday, May 26 1880.

I believe that John was laid to rest in Hoffman- Brown Cemetery near his Blake Family members.. John is not forgotten. R. I. P. cousin John Henry.

Thanks for reading.
John Blake In Time Of Sickness: In Hard Times

God bless
S.A. Blakley

Week 24 ~ Amy Johnson Crow’s #52Ancestors in 52 Weeks challenge in 2024

Theme Hard Times

About Susan Ann Blakley

Follower of Jesus Christ, Worshiper, Caregiver, Love Searching Family History, Lupus Survivor: On Twitter , Facebook , Instagram
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