A Lankford / Lankfard Family Gathering ~ Sept of 1943 #52Ancestors In Week 26

On Thursday afternoon, September 2, 1943, a Lankford Family Reunion Dinner was held at the home of Leo Sr. and Mary (Allen) Lankford / Lankfard in St. Joseph, Missouri. Mrs. Virginia “Virgie” (Hill ) Lankford (also known as Mrs. Louis “Add” Lankford) came for this special occasion. She was from New York City.

Mrs. “Add” Lankford came to the City to for a family reunion as she visited with her in laws, step daughter, step grandchildren and family members. Some of this event was published on page 21 in The Call Kansas City, Missouri • Friday, September 10, 1943.

The Lankford home was full this day.
The article stated it was a large and beautiful yard. I couldn’t imagine the Lankford’s back yard looked like. I was told that Leo Sr. had a rock garden on the slop area from the alley.

Who were those all in attended to this family gathering? Host and Hostesses; All the names were not mentioned. I added who may have been there. The gathering was at the home of Leo Sr. and Mary (Allen) Lankford / Lankfard.

Thelma (Lankford ) Jackson was the daughter of Louis Adward Lankford, husband of” “Virgie”.
Thelma and her husband Ambrose Jackson Sr. and children
Ambrose II , Navajean and Maureen

Leo Sr.’s sister Lula (Lankford) Madison and family
Lula and her husband William Emanuel Madison Sr. and family
Robert and his wife Gertrude (Moore) and daughter Marta
Charlotte and her husband Ernest Williams
William and his wife Mattie (Mays) and children: Betty Lou and William the III

Leo Sr,’s brother James Lankfard.

Leo and Mary’s children.

Mary Virginia (Lankford) Thomas and her husband Milton Vernon Thomas
and children: Mary Evelyn and Richard

Leola (Lankford) Farmer and her husband William W. Farmer Jr. and son Robert Leon

Lula Marguerite (Lankford) Blakley and her husband David William Blakley Sr.
and four sons; D.W. Jr., D.F., Paul Louis and L.J. at about 7 months old.

Leo and Mary’s other children and grandchildren who most likely were there.
Leo “Sam” Jr. .
Robert Louis and daughter Roberta Louise
Sarah Belle and son Daniel William
Betty Marie
Addison Edward
Frederick William
Josephine Louise

Leo Sr. and Mary’s daughter, Anna Charlotte (Lankford) Blakley, her husband Isaac Blakley
and sons Isaac Richard and Robert Irvin were not there.

I’m assuming that there were around 40+ people at tended this family gathering. What memories that must have been. On Friday September 3, 1943 was the end of this family gathering. Mrs. “Add” Lankford had breakfast and dinner before returning to home in New York on Friday with wonderful memories of her visit.

Thanks for reading.
A Lankford / Lankfard Family Gathering ~ Sept of 1943

God bless
S.A. Blakley

Week 26: Family Gathering : Amy Johnson Crow’s #52Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge in 2024

“It’s the time of year for family reunions, holiday cookouts, and other get-togethers. Has your family had a family reunion? Do you have favorite memories of getting together with cousins and other relatives? Feel free to post your links and stories in the comments.”

About Susan Ann Blakley

Follower of Jesus Christ, Worshiper, Caregiver, Love Searching Family History, Lupus Survivor: On Twitter , Facebook , Instagram
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