Been So Lucky In My Discoveries About Delilah Lewis ~ #52Ancestors Week 11 In 2023

Where in my family connections stories have I made discoveries by the chance of luck?
I’ve been thinking about the postcards that were given to me. Those postcards are a treasure.

There is one photo that appears to be of a family. In the beginning, the photo was just a photo. I had no clue to who this family could have been; because there was nothing written on the postcard. But, through the years of thinking about this unknown family, things became clearer as I kept searching and searching and searching for clues. I kept wondering.

Who are the people in this postcard?

As I gathered more and more information on my family tree by searching through city directories, death records, censuses, newspapers, and whatever source that was available. Then as time passed, I pieced the puzzle together and narrowed down to who the family could be.

Which family fits the description in this photo?

I believe that the photo is of Mr. and Mrs. William Washington Sr. and family.

How lucky and so blessed to have uncovered some of the mystery of the people in this postcard.
The man is believed to be William Washington Sr., my 2nd great grandfather.

The lady in white, sitting next to William is his wife Susan ( Leach) Washington.
And the elderly lady on William’s left is believed to be Delilah Lewis, his mother in law.
Susan is my 2nd great grandmother.

As for the ladies standing, I can identify with one of them.
The tall one behind William, is believed to be Anna Laura (Washington) Walters.
She is my great grandmother. I can see myself in her.
Anna is the mother of my mother, Lula’ s mother, Mary.
This photo was discovered in Mary’s home around 1976.

I have been so lucky in my discoveries on Delilah.
I came across Delilah’s 1887 obituary that list her enslavers.
I have Delilah’s granddaughter Anna’s handwritten 1947 obituary
Oh, the luck in discoveries.

Thanks for reading.
Been So Lucky In My Discoveries About Delilah Lewis ~ Week 11 In 2023
Delilah, my 3rd great grandmother

God bless

Week 11 ~ Amy Crow Johnson #52Ancestors in 52 Weeks

The theme for Week 11 is “Lucky.” Were any of your ancestors lucky? Maybe someone won the Georgia Land Lottery? Do you consider yourself lucky to have discovered a particular ancestor or document?

About Susan Ann Blakley

Follower of Jesus Christ, Worshiper, Caregiver, Love Searching Family History, Lupus Survivor: On Twitter , Facebook , Instagram
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